Refer a Patient

Thank you for trusting North Carolina Retina Associates.

Thank you for entrusting your patients with our care. We accept new patients every day by referral from an optometrist or ophthalmologist. As the communities we serve grow, we are expanding our capacity and services to meet the demand for vitreoretinal care.

We are opening new offices, adding physicians, participating in clinical trials, and acquiring the latest technology to improve access to the best treatment available for your patients.

Want to refer a patient by phone?

If your patient needs an urgent appointment please call our office at (919) 782-8038. Be prepared to provide the patient's diagnosis, demographics, and medical insurance.

Need a patient referral form?

Please complete the Referral Request Form below and fax the form to our office at (919) 782-8189.

We ask that you include the most recent office visit note, demographics, copy of medical insurance card(s), and referral form.

We look forward to hearing from you!